CEO Charles Diggs acquires 100% of Dynasafe Demil Systems AB Group through his company Gage AB.

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Drawing on 30 years of service to the defense industry.

Our efficient operations have made a considerable impact on the steady destruction of explosive remnants of war and obsolete or out of specification explosives across the globe while exceeding the highest safety and environmental standards. We strive to meet the requirements of our contracts and deliver outstanding performance to our clients in completing their missions.

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Explosive Containment

Dynasafe chambers offer full protection from blast fragmentation and toxic or bio-toxic material with its patented design. Our explosive containment chambers are flexible in terms of sizes, protection levels, implementations, and options, enabling us to provide multiple product versions for each specific market segment.



Complete plants for the destruction of conventional and chemical munitions, as well as equipment for dismantling munitions and off-gas treatment systems to meet the highest international environmental standards. Automated systems require minimal human interaction to ensure optimum operator protection.

Operations, Support, & Services

Plant Operations

Experienced engineers and technicians available at every stage of your project to ensure long-term sustainability.

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